
Thursday, April 9, 2015

MobileApp Developer's Journey

We are a highly experienced and professional mobile application development company in Nadiad with highly skilled app developers who can turn your idea into reality.Today, we take you on the magical journey of mobile application development.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How to code iOS 8 apps ?what should i do?

If you would like to learn iOS 8 mobile app development and new way of making apps,you can learn from here.

The course is appropriate for those who are beginners and it also includes 350 videos and content to help you to understand how to code for iOS 8 app. You’ll also get as benefit to learn previous iOS 7 course.

What you can expect from this course?

-> You will build 14 iOS 8 apps.
-> You will learn about app design and API integration to data storage.
-> How  you can use cloud kit.

To get this course you’ll have to pay only $89 so,Learn this course from today itself and be professional.

Friday, March 27, 2015

How your E-commerce App help you to increase revenue for your business?

Is your business is accessible from all over the world? Or is anyone aware of your business? Just imagine when all your competitors getting popularity from all over the world and getting inquiries from wide and far and why is it that no inquiry went on to achieve your table yet? Where you have gone wrong? Don’t you have an eCommerce app? That promotes your business, products, services in the world of online shopping? We as Syncappindustry mobile application development company India, offers e-commerce mobile application that can handle any app based requirement you propose to us.

A question arises - Why an e-commerce app?

Have you ever wondered why there is a sudden increase in app development companies?
The simple answer is professional business folks want perfect app and thinks that how can they get a profit?so, they approach to the ecommerce app development company .
Now a day, people prefer to get all with just only one click. Who will go to the shopping mall when shopping can be done only with  at home.
ECommerce app has the ability to sell or buy products, services  through networks or communications. Just have a  look at the reasons why these days eCommerce reigns the business world.

Reach out nationally and internationally

If you own physical store, you might able to get only a  few customers. With an eCommerce app you can reach out the potential customer all over the world. This would increase your business brand popularity.

Increase traffic with Aso and playstore visibility

Physical retail is driven by relationships and advertising. Apart from these two drivers, You can drive the traffic from google play store and android app store once your app is approved.
Cautious shopping:

If you want to purchase some items for e.g underclothes at that time you may feel awkward, but if you are shopping from an online eCommerce app, you won’t have folks looking at you while you shop.It also gives privacy and  receipts are made  so, no one will see what you bought.

Better price: You will find a major difference in price between  a physical store and an e commerce.Because there are few reasons because people use an app for cheaper items .Business owners understand this ,so they will reduce the price to get more customers.

Another reason is you can get easily at home .You can purchase items from the mall also but it would take time .

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Microsoft will bring the software that convert android phones into windows10

Microsoft announced yesterday that they are currently testing custom ROM  for Android device that will turn Android phones into windows 10.It will ship before the end of the august and if you have pirated copy no worries it will free.Because it’s plan and they  want to see windows 10 everywhere.

Microsoft shared the news yesterday that it’s testing windows 10 on the Xiaomi Mi 4 device .They will use windows 10 in Xiaomi Mi4 devices and will give valuable feedback.

They used the word like ‘flash’ that means Microsoft will give you Rom that is similar to custom ROMs like CyanogenMod.Microsoft will offer windows 10 ROM for Xiaomi Mi4 user that will convert Android phone into Windows 10 phone.

With this feature,Microsoft may attract Android users to windows10.Without having the requirement to buy another phone.

Mobile Application Development  Android app development, iOs app development

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Top Five Free calling Android Apps

Top Five Free calling Android Apps

Android App Development- Free calling Android Apps

The internet is a common feature in every smartphone these days. All the smartphones are operated using the internet, whether from any external WiFi source or the telecom data pack. Calling has become so cheap compared to previous years, and still becoming cheaper with different schemes and offers running daily. All this is due to the competition between different telecom operators, but the major factor affecting this is the VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Today Android app developers and iOS developers come up with thousands of free calling app and publish it on both Play store and App store. But not all of them are relevant or user friendly. In today's post I will list the top Free calling Android apps that are highly recommended by the users and easy to use. These apps work on iOS device too.

1. Whatsapp Calling
The most favorite messaging app has now come up with calling features that is absolutely free. Whatsapp calling is now enable on all android phones. All you need to do is update the whatsapp from the official website or Google play store. There are still small bugs, but the app developers will surely solve it very soon in the next update. The only drawback is, it is still not initiated for the iOS device. There are almost same numbers of android and iOS users in the world. So if you want to communicate with your friend using iOS, you have to use other apps.
2. Viber
Viber is the most popular free calling app in the smartphone world. It can be said as another name of free calling. It is the most used app for calling. Viber recently, a few months back came up with a video calling function even. It is also user friendly and easiest app to get connected with friends and family staying far away from you.
3. Line
Line is one of the famous messaging app with free calling and video calling feature, developed in Japan. It has been awarded for the most downloaded app in a very short period of time. This app first featured different types of stickers that made it famous and different from all other apps. Due to the tough competition in all major apps, Line comes up with different offers and offer free recharge to its users in India. Above all, its fun to get connected with friends. It also enables group calling video conference for free.
4. Hike
Hike is an Indian app that is popular in the country like whatsapp. It recently came up with calling features few days back before whatsapp released free calling. This app has also became famous for its unique funny stickers, that are fun to share with. All you need is a 3G network or WiFi connection enabled to talk with anybody using the hike.
5. Facebook messenger
Early days, users were not happy with the new Facebook messenger that opens up a Facebook message in different apps. But with the change it brought direct calling to the friends that are online on Facebook. Its easy to call and the voice quality is the best.
With the best apps available in android play store, above apps are the top 5 free calling android apps that can be downloaded free of cost and are most liked by the people not only in India but all over the world. If such apps and internet usage grows with the constant speed, than the mobile recharge for calling will slow down very soon. This can affect the telecom companies, but on the other side, they increment the prices of the Internet, data pack that the users are surely going to purchase

Monday, March 16, 2015

Best Income and Expense Tracking App

Everything you Should know about Accounts-An Amazing App

Mobile Application Development is hottest marketing segment for IT developers.Today I am going to talk about an android app that saves your daily spending habits and you can also track income and expense.

Android App development are prominent among the people due to its unlimited awesome and creative apps. Android users love to use Android just because of these apps. You can find number of great, awesome and useful apps at Google Play and can simply play with those apps.

Today I have brought an awesome app for you which is name as, “Accounts-An Amazing App”.

There are number of people who want to pay their bills, want to do online shopping and other buying actions without going to their PC or going to the banks. Simply people want convenience in their lives and want to make everything swift. So, Accounts is an app that solves you problem related to your transaction management.

Accounts manages your transactions. This app will let you to do your transactions more easily and conveniently. Accounts let you manage your online wallets and sometimes cashflow as well. It almost take care of your all transaction problems. You can manage your all transactions, wallets and cashflow right from your Android App and that is possible just because of Accounts-An Amazing App.


Since, the benefits of Accounts are mentioned above, now, it is time to describe the awesome features of this awesome app. The main features of this Android app are listed below:

  •   It is the faster app. You can just click it and start using without digging any other options.

  • Your transactions, wallets and cash flows can be managed easily through this Android app.

  •  It has the most friendly and awesome user-interface
      The new feature of Accounts is Snap it. This feature lets you to manage your transactions with just a snap.

  • It takes the record of your every single penny that you have spent. You get the live report of your expenditure and that feature will let you to monitor your account activities and transactions. You get the complete report of your account.

  •   In the latest version of Accounts many bugs have been fixed, the extra and useless ads have been removed that used to annoy the users. Now, this is ad free app. Furthermore, Master Reset Facility has been added to the new feature of Account.

    These are the main and awesome features of Accounts- An Amazing App. Checkout our Mobile Application Development Service.

      accounts app download

    Final Verdict!

    That was about Accounts-An Amazing app, after going through this article, you’ll definitely believe that this is really an amazing app. I would sum up with these remarks that Accounts is complete pack and solves your all problems related to transactions using your Android phone.

    I hope you will use this app and will like it. I personally have get the positive remarks from the users of Accounts and due to its awesome features it has got 4.9 starts at Google Play. You may get this app from Google Play and start using it.

    At last, if you have liked this article then do not forget to share this with your friends and relatives. Since, your shares may help someone stuck out there. If you have any queries or questions left then you may lend your queries in the comment box. I shall get back to you soon, to remove your queries.